miércoles, 22 de marzo de 2017


CODE: 63457900
CODE: 53093744
CODE: 7185913
 CODE :1049635617



MARZO 2017

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Check the topics for Unit 1 and reflect about:

Write your own definition of these 5 main topics in about 50 words for each one. Consider stating what you can add or delete from the definitions given in the study materials. Consider your experience as a language learner and/or teacher to propose definitions that are clear and easy to understand.    


   1.  The Concept of Technology.

The term of technology can be defined like the way of making a product or service. There are two basic components which are inseparables and those can be summarized according to the different authors. They are: First, the Basic Informational Component: This element consists of the knowledge or the information process, production systems and production areas. The second is the Physical Component: It is related to all the tools and equipment needed for the developing of a process.

   2.    ICTs in Education.

     ICTs in Education: The ICT´s is not only to work on the computer in the classroom because this fact would not solve all the problems of the education, not either can be essential in all the class, but in that sense, teachers can help to improve teaching and learning processes in their students. The technological tools can empower the process of teaching. They can become more effective, fun, meaningful, real and more motivating for the development of pedagogical activities. The most important thing is create an interaction among teacher, student and use of the technology to easy the students learning and let they can be the protagonists of their own learning.

   3.    The Use of Technology in English Teaching and Learning

     The Use of Technology in English Teaching and Learning Always the English language has been in the areas of learning in all the educational institutions. Today, we see that the need of teaching the language has been growing as a result of technological progress and we see that the most of the information found on the internet is in the English language. So, English language learning has become a priority to be updated and be able to access to the computer world. In addition, it is very important to recognize that the technologies allow greater application of learning because it offers many tools that enable the interaction between pairs, the access of audio, games, online exercises and tests.

   4.  The Advantages of Information Technology in Teaching English.

     The Advantages of Information Technology in Teaching English The advantages of Information Technology in the teaching English are very important because they allow teacher accesses to practical tools on the web that will help to motivate students to participate in a dynamic, interactive, current, investigative and meaningful learning process, that favors the development of the four basic communicative skills (speaking, reading, listening and writing) that would guarantee a better learning of the English language.

   5.    The Impact of Using Technology.

     The Impact of Using Technology The impact of the technologies on English language learning is very positive because it allows us to strength the four main skills for language learning such as speaking, listening, reading and writing through the application of several tools as: Broadcasting, CD-Players, Tape-recorders, Multimedia Software, Electronic Dictionaries, chatting, etc.

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    1.      The Concept of Technology.
Although it is an abstract concept and difficult to interpret, besides that several authors give a different meaning to it, it can be said that they are tools, equipment, techniques and processes and it is directly connected with the knowledge therefore it pays more attention to the process of investigation and to the development of the same. It is the accomplishment of certain tasks using particular abilities, in addition also materializes in people, materials, cognitive and physical processes, facilities, machines and tools

    2.      ICTs in Education
Information and communication technologies (ICT) can contribute to universal access to education, equality in education, quality of teaching and learning, and professional development of teachers. Through ICT, images can be easily used in teaching and improving students 'retentive memory, so teachers can easily explain complex instructions and ensure students' understanding and can create interactive classes and thus Classes are more enjoyable, which could improve student attendance and concentration.

    3.      The Use of Technology in English Teaching and Learning
The use of new information and communication technologies has been used in teaching English to help us gain a more direct knowledge of the civilizations of English-speaking countries through audiovisual documents. Usually the use of cassettes, videos and television was something common and ordinary in our classrooms. However, thanks to the use of the computer and very recently to the Internet, the motivation that our students can find in the use of these tools leads us to provide a learning not only more motivating but also more interactive and therefore we will awaken that desire to adopt a Second language in our students

    4.      The Advantages of Information Technology in Teaching English
In order to learn English, the audio courses were behind when a compact disc was played, a book was read and the pronunciation was repeated. Now with the use of ICT, they have multimedia materials that are interactive, that is to say, they combine video, audio, text but also the student can interact with the computer practicing their pronunciation, doing exercises through games or readings, and return to practice some subject that Not clear, always bearing their own rhythm. Social networks also help learning, where the intermediate pupil can converse in written and spoken form to practice the foreign language with another person who can help him by teaching him new grammatical structures and vocabulary through a common talk.

    5.      The Impact of Using Technology
The influence of new technologies is increasingly present in all areas of our lives. Education of course is not exempt from this influence, so that it could be said that new technologies have come to revolutionize many fundamental aspects of this, new technologies open the possibility of greater participation of the student in the construction and development of knowledge, Resulting in students having a better response, since the teacher will have more time to attend the students, solve their doubts or simply observe and evaluate their development

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1. The Concept of Technology.
In the world today technology plays a very significant role to meet the demands of modern society. We have seen through time as the human being and the society has had the need to facilitate and organize their daily tasks.
Economic growth, social and political demanded of ancient societies organization, promoting the creation of innovative and revolutionary inventions such as writing, printing, the paper, and then the computer among others. These inventions were of great magnitude in the development of these societies and still in these times impact positively to humanity, turning the world of today, in the age of technology.
Technology is a tool that has served as a support for the media, private companies, government, and education among others making great and significant progress in our society.
Education is one of the areas of greatest benefit with the implementation of the technology. In the classroom are used technological means to offer students a dynamic teaching, versatile and efficient, making the teaching-learning process in one innovative.

2. ICTs in Education

The technologies of information and communication technologies (ICT) can contribute to universal access to education, gender equality in education, the exercise of the teaching and learning of quality and the professional development of teachers, as well as the management more efficient management and administration of the educational system.
As it says (Pontes, 2005): "The educational use of ICT fosters the development of positive attitudes to learning science and technology (…), the use of interactive programs and the search for scientific information on the Internet helps to promote the activity of students during the educational process, and promote the exchange of ideas, motivation and interest of the students for the learning of science."
They are an essential tool to be able to teach in a didactic way to students in teaching English is very important to use songs , videos , and create skills in students how speaking listening and Reading

3. The Use of Technology in English Teaching and Learning

The use of technology in the classroom as tools facilitators of educational management, encourage the creative ability, creativity, innovation, the change… presents a transformation in educational environments that favor the teaching and entertaining for the enjoyment and the acquisition of knowledge.
The importance of technology in general, and in the teaching of English as a second lenguaen particular, is widely recognized and accepted. The efficient use of technology to a large extent dependeen for teachers to take advantage of all the advantages of this tool:internet, video, software. The technology should be used to maximize the teaching, however a considerable number of teachers doesn't do it for lack of knowledge or by notener access to educational software or for lack of a computer room, or by notener sufficient time for training The computer as well as the video and other technological tools can be useful for the development and the learning of foreign languages. There are different theories about the deensenanza methods and how they can be used these tools in the idioms education.

4. The Advantages of Information Technology in Teaching English

The ability to communicate in English by means of the computer facilitates the intercambioentre students whose mother tongue is not this and that reside on the same or on diferentespaises. Students are often motivated to write correctly.
English teachers have been designed very good telecommunications projects on creative writing,such as development and comparison of information, stories and poems. The rapid growth in Quantity and quality of internet sites provides another great resource for educators and students
The current use of the Internet, software and video in the classroom has yielded positive results. Students show improvements in various aspects of the English language, such as grammar and vocabulary. It remains to be seen how can teachers adopt currently this kind of activities to motivate their students and reinforce their learning.

5. The Impact of Using Technology

This methodology, which is reflected in our programming would be complemented by a greater integration of new technologies.
The perspective of the so-called communicative approaches developed in the field of language teaching (Canale, 1995; Canale and Swain, 1980) confirms the interest of these approaches and shows the correctness of its inclusion in the curriculum, since it is precisely the emphasis is on the phenomenon of communication and in the special dimension that reached by the mediation of technology.
The audio-visual media such as television, video hansido tools used and very useful in the teaching of foreign languages the computer now provides us with many interesting aspects with the combination of technological resources, pedagogical and human seconsigue to a greater extent respond to the interests and personal needs decade individual.  And is that the possibility that each student can work so staff, at your own pace, makes learning more effective puesavanza, on the basis of their actual degree of assimilation and progress, and has no limit while the class time that can be devoted to the practice and consolidation of unadeterminada structure, function,  or the development of some skill quenecesite strengthen, thus contributing to a more autonomous learning.

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    1.    The Concept of Technology.

As the defined by the dictionary, Technology is the set of scientifically ordered technical knowledge that enables us to design and create goods, services that facilitate the adaptation to the environment and the satisfaction of the essential needs and desires of humanity. Technology refers all devices and applications created and manufactured by the human being.
 According to Kumar et. al (1999) technology consists of two primary components:
Physical: tooling, equipment, blueprints, techniques, and processes.
Informational:  Consists in production, quality control, reliability, skilled labor and functional areas.

    2.    ICTs in Education

Technology in education is very important as it provides extensive information to the learner to feed, to correct and to evaluate their performance through tools and applications designed for this purpose. However, you can see that there are many education technology solutions provided in the world which may cause confusion among educators about how to choose the right ICT solution. Let's have a look at the advantages and disadvantages of ICT tools for education and discover what kind of education ICT solution is suitable for your school needs.

    3.    The Use of Technology in English Teaching and Learning

 “I believe that technology for English language teaching is extremely important. Since students learn at different rates of speed, individual technology gives each student the opportunity to work at his/her own pace in a relaxed setting without competing with others in the class. It also allows students to make mistakes and to practice skills in private in order to avoid the embarrassment that often occurs in the conventional classroom setting.” However, there are many more opportunities for students to gain confidence practice and extend themselves, especially for ESL students who learn the language for more than just fun. For them to keep pace with ELT and gain more confidence they have to stride into the world of multimedia technology.

    4.    The Advantages of Information Technology in Teaching English

If you use an online format or a computer program to learn English, using technology has many benefits. First, you can learn at your own pace. If you take English in a traditional classroom, you are forced to learn to the rhythm of the rest of the class. If you are more efficient than the average student, you will be retained. On the other hand, if you are learning more slowly than your classmates, you may be left behind. Technological resources allow you to learn quickly or slowly as you wish, giving you the opportunity to spend more time in areas where more help is needed.
Another advantage of learning through technology, especially online courses, is the fact that you can learn it no matter where you are. As long as you have an Internet connection, and with Wi-Fi technology becoming more and more easily available, you can log in to your class and do a lesson or two. If you are required to travel frequently for your job, you can still use the computer to improve your English skills. This is not possible if you enroll in a traditional English class, since you will have to be present at the scheduled class time. Advancements in information and communication technology can play an important role in preparing students to apply what they learn in any subject to finding their place in a global workforce.

    5.    The Impact of Using Technology

With technology today, the learner chooses the optimum moment to learn: while riding a bus, at home in a silent room, or in the company of friends competing against each other with the same game. The technology can remember everything the learner has ever been exposed to and produced within the tool’s environment, prompt him or her to try again when the pattern does not match, and even provide hints. Moreover, as language increasingly becomes digitized because of the Internet, technology is able to go beyond programmed notions of right and wrong to compare learners’ productions with huge corpora of language.
 Students trying to learn English as a second language need further language support. They need to practice in hearing language, reading language, speaking language, and writing language in order to develop their experience and skills (Ybarra & Green, 2003). For doing such tasks, they are in need of using various tools which can help them learn the language easily and effectively. The term New Technology includes communication techniques for language teaching in which the personal computer plays a central role (Davies & Hewer, 2012). There are, however, other technological tools that can be utilized in language learning besides computers. Each technological tool has its specific benefits and application with one of the four language parts (speaking, listening, reading, and writing). However, in order to use these techniques successfully, the ELL student should be familiar with using computers and internet, and capable of interacting with these techniques.

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